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Lottie Liner Stamp Liner, a First Impressions

I saw this Lottie London Stamp Liner in Superdrug, and although I was cynical as to how effective it would be, I decided to buy one. There are various types of Stamp shapes, hearts, stars, moons but I have the ‘wings made easy’ one.

This Liner has a felt tip at one end and a sort of kite shaped Stamp at the other. I had a little practice on my hand so I could see how sharp the edges of the wing would be and I was fairly impressed, it gave well defined edges and was very black.

Today, I’ve used it on my eyes and it looks amazing, I have perfect wings with minimal effort! Even lining them up is fairly easy, I was expecting one side to be higher up or at more of an angle, but they were fine. If you do make a mistake, it’s easy to remove of tidy up with a bit of concealer or eye makeup remover on a pointy cotton bud. I then used the felt tip tip edge to extend the wing across my lash line. The felt tip is quite thick but goes to a fine point. It’s quite firm which I think makes it easier to use, if the tip is to soft the line will splay every where. I got a lovely sharp edge with it, and again it’s a good dense black.

I think this is a pretty good liner, it gave a nice sharp wing. It’s a good price too, they’re £5.49, and there are other shapes to try if you fancy stars ala Kat Von D! Available from Superdrug.

Thanks for reading, Mo x